January's Cosmic Forecast: Building The Future


Capricorn Season

As we enter the heart of winter and welcome in the western new year, it’s a time of deep reflection and analysis! Although New Year’s is considered to be a celebratory time for many, some of us may feel called to rest, recalibrate, and dive into our self care. The Winter Solstice is still in full effect, and this isn’t a time of fast action or spontaneity! January is the first month of the year, containing the numerology of “1”. This number is the glimmer of hope, the North Star, and the beginning light at the end of the tunnel. We can expect the beginning of new ideas to formulate during this time of stillness. We can begin to see clearly what we would like to manifest with this new year. Capricorn has the stereotype of being a workaholic, money hungry energy. But taking a deeper look into this cardinal earth sign, there's a much deeper understanding of time, ancestry, and legacy. The Sea Goat believes that we have to create something in this lifetime that will be substantial enough to outlast our existence. We are building for generations to come, not just for ourselves. How do you want your name to be remembered once you are gone? Capricorn reminds us that all of our actions impact those around us and the future of the world.

Capricorn season pop culture: Aaliyah is a Capricorn superstar who transitioned during the peak of her career. The singer's humble reputation, musical talent, and tomboy style set her apart from the other musical divas of her time. Though she is no longer with us, her voice, style, and beauty are often imitated but never duplicated. During her short time with us, Aaliyah became an R&B legend and her legacy still strongly lives on today! No matter how long or short our time on Earth, remember that you are creating for something greater than yourself.

Venus enters Aquarius, January 2nd

On January 2nd, our love planet, Venus, will enter experimental and rebellious Aquarius. This air sign will electrify the love sector of our lives! Our focus will not just be on our romantic connections, but on our community and friendships as well. How does love show up in our friendships and communities? Aquarius is the humanitarian, understanding that we are all divinely connected to one another. Take action from your heart space, and take others into consideration! You may feel called to get more involved in community work or causes that inspire you. Another Venus in Aquarius attribute is wanting to experiment with your style or beauty routine! Taking a risk on a statement piece you've been eyeing or changing your hair color is common with this transit. Be bolder when it comes to your identity and personal presentation! You don't have to be defined by anyone else's standards or expectations. Step into your individuality and leadership with courage and veracity!  

Venus enters Aquarius pop culture: Harry Styles is an Aquarius stellium, including a radical Venus in Aquarius! From his bold fashion sense to his charming and approachable candor, Harry has become a fan favorite. Channel your inner popstar with this Venus in Aquarius energy! Be bold and risk taking in how you show up in this world and what you would like to pursue.

Venus in Aquarius reflection: How can I be more courageous in my identity? How can I upgrade my aesthetic to reflect more of my personality?

January 6th, Full Moon in Cancer

On January 6th, the moon will enter its home sign of Cancer. Expect our hearts to open and the emotional faucets to run! Cancer is one of the most empathic and emotionally attuned signs. With the moon entering this cardinal sign, we can expect to be attuned to the feelings that we may have been suppressing for some time. It's important to be gentle with yourself during this transit, as many heavier emotions will be processing. Cancer is a very nurturing sign, so take care of yourself like a mother would a child. Tap into your favorite self care routines, eat your favorite comfort foods, journal, and talk it out when necessary. Every emotion you feel is valid and important to understand! 

Full Moon in Cancer pop culture: Princess Diana's legacy is rooted in her reputation as a loving and devoted mother. Despite facing many public and private challenges, she showed up for her children in a highly available way. For the Cancer moon, devote yourself to nurturing and softness. Cancer doesn't do anything unless it feels good to them intuitively. Let your heart guide the way with this transit!

Full Moon in Cancer reflection: What can my emotions teach me about vulnerability? In what ways can I let my intuition guide me in my decision making?


January ushers in new ideas, creativity, and foundation building! This is the time period to prepare enough ahead of time to create longevity. Taking one step at a time ensures efficiency, effectiveness, and elevation!


January 12th, Mars Direct in Gemini

On January 12th, our planet of action will station direct in mutable Gemini. Mars direct brings a wave of calmer, more grounded energy. Anxiety and overthinking can begin to subside and ease. Gemini energy allows us to expand creatively and socially. We can begin to see a flow of activity in regard to our artistic pursuits and social connections. It will be easier to connect to others, especially for networking purposes! Allow the energy of ideation to come through strongly and encourage your projects. There's a lot of brainstorming to be done with a direct Mars in forward thinking Gemini! 

Mars Direct in Gemini pop culture: From pop star to fashion designer, Victoria Beckham embodies her Gemini mars with ease. Moving easily within different artistic realms, the multifaceted public figure has been able to explore her different interests with grace and success. Remember that you are your own multi hyphenate! You have a vast selection of talented to call upon in this lifetime.

Mercury in Gemini reflection: Which one of my ideas wants to come to life? How can my network support me in the pursuit of my artistic desires? 

January 13th, Juno enters Aries

On January 13th, our asteroid of long-term relationships and partnerships enters fiery Aries. We will feel a subconscious desire to pursue partnerships and relationships in a passionate way. In Aries, we may have a tendency to act before thinking. Don't rush into relationships or partnerships based off of spontaneity! Passion can be the catalyst, but a partnership cannot simply sustain off of this energy. Use this transit to focus on what you desire in long term relationships and place intentions toward that!

Juno enters Aries pop culture: In the movie Blue Valentine, Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams play a married couple that begins as a passionate affair and ends in separation. Although the two characters have an intense connection, they learn quickly that it is not enough to solve their differences or to keep them together. Remember that chemistry doesn't always equal compatibility. Building strong foundations of trust and respect are just important as passion!

Juno enters Aries reflection: How can I be clearer with my intentions and desires? What does long term partnership look like to me?

January 18th, Mercury direct in Capricorn 

On January 18th, Mercury stations direct in Capricorn. Capricorn oversees our traditions, legacy, and responsibilities. Mercury in Capricorn can show us where our priorities need to be and what we value. We will be thinking about the long game, vs instant gratification. What goals are you trying to accomplish in the year ahead? Turn your attention to the small actions that can add up to accomplishing your check list. One step at a time, you will slowly achieve and receive every dream you desire.

Mercury in Capricorn pop culture: Samuel L Jackson’s direct communication style is not only contributed to his Sagittarius sun, but his Mercury in Capricorn placement. Never one to shy away from saying exactly how he feels, this actor is well known for his truthful way with words. Sometimes a filter isn’t always necessary! Stop editing what you have to say for other people’s comfort.

Mercury in Capricorn reflection: What daily steps am I taking to build my legacy? How can I speak my truth in a more clear and confident manner?

January 20th, Sun enters Aquarius

On January 20th, our sun rules into opposition in rebellious air sign, Aquarius. Aquarius is a forward thinking, community oriented sign that believes in the “we” before “me”. Stereotyped as the “alien” of the astrological wheel, Aquarius observes the world around them in a curious and detached way. They are not overly concerned with their ego wants and desires. Aquarius’ focus is making sure that no one is left behind in this great ascension. How can our personal goals not only elevate us, but elevate the world? Remember that your mission is needed not just for you but for your community! We all play an important part in this scheme of life.

Sun in Aquarius pop culture: The influence that Michael Jordan has had on and off the court is globally recognized. Not only did this Aquarius break boundaries when it came to sports, he also showed the ability to branch out into multiple fields of entertainment, product, and media. This was not only inspirational for those who know him, but for those who tuned into his games every season! With this Aquarius sun season, be the giant that you are destined to be. Shine your talents proudly in order to inspire others!

Sun in Aquarius reflection: How can my talents positively impact my community and those around me? How do I prioritize my community in my work and mission?

January 22nd, Uranus Direct in Taurus

On January 22nd, our planet of society and rebellion, Uranus, will station direct! This has been a long awaited transit, as we can finally push forward as a collective to work on healing. With a Uranus retrograde, many things were revealed to us about our political structure, corporations, and society. With a Uranus direct transit, we can take action on the things we observed during the retrograde period! Now that we are aware of the issues that were brought to our attention, in what ways are we willing to do the work needed to heal? With Taurus energy, we can have new ideas on how to structure our money and businesses moving forward. We can be more willing to take opportunities in investments and where we put our money. Taking chances can lead to big wins in the long run!

Uranus in Taurus pop culture: Bob Dylan is a music legend who actively discussed civil rights within his subject matter. Using his artistry as a way to speak to injustices is a very Uranus in Taurus mentality! You can use your creations to help with healing and uniting the collective. Our creativity can inspire those around us to make active changes for a better world!

Uranus in Taurus reflection: What did I learn during this Uranus in Taurus retrograde? How can my art revolutionize the world? 

January 26th, Venus enters Pisces

On January 26th, Venus will enter dreamy and mystical Pisces. Pisces lives in the dream world, the astral universe. The mutable fish tends to see the world through rose colored glasses. Love and relationships can feel like a fantasy to us during this time period. We will be craving deeper, soulful, and spiritual connections during this transit. Intentionally create a spiritual intention within your relationships. Every relationship and partnership is a deeper reflection of ourselves. Allow your heart to guide you to your higher self in your dynamics!

Venus in Pisces pop culture: Venus in Pisces is epitomized by FKA Twigs’ beautiful music composition and visuals. Her lyrics are deeply emotional, vulnerable, and sensitive. Twigs’ videos and imagery and equally sensual and spiritual. Allow your fantasies to guide you in your creations with this transit, just like the British performer!

Venus in Pisces reflection: What does my dream relationship and partnership feel like? How can my dreams inform my creativity?

January ushers in new ideas, creativity, and foundation building! Starting off with strong Capricorn energy, this month asks us to put our money where our mouth is. Our focus will be on the building of our long term futures. Moving into Aquarius season, we will learn to understand that our goals are not just for us to achieve, but how our work will heal the collective. We can channel the reflective energy of this month into a time period of self care and planting our seeds. Action needs fuel to work off of! This is the time period to prepare enough ahead of time to create longevity. Taking one step at a time ensures efficiency, effectiveness, and elevation!

JANUARY Horoscopes

Want to read about how this month’s astrology will impact your sign? Join The Source to receive access to AJA’s monthly Spirit Scopes!



Ellen Bowles

Ellen Bowles is a healer, astrologer, Tarot reader and co-host of the Woke Mystic Podcast. As community healing is one of her passions, Ellen hosts virtual workshops on Tarot, astrology, full moons and ancestral healing on a regular basis.


Monthly MessagesAja Daashuur