Client Experiences


“An intuitive Spirit Guide session with Aja is something that you won’t forget. She puts all of her energy and compassion into her sessions, and you can really hear the tone and individual personality of each guide she channels. Meeting my guide through Aja was absolutely magical and felt quite familiar, as if I had known her all along. During the session I felt cradled and deeply cared for, but also felt secure that Aja would give me direct, truthful communication channeled straight from my guides. If you are looking for a transformative experience that will aid in deep self- care and spiritual development, look no further.”

— M. G. (Artist)


“Dear Aja, I just wanted to write and say that I have experienced such a profound shift in energy since this reading. This time of year is usually terrible for me and instead, I feel like so much has opened up. That you so much again.”

— K.


“I think many of us sense, or even know, that there is something more than what we can see on this physical plane, and that we are something more than this human experience. By connecting you to the beyond, to the spirits and beings who are looking out for you, Aja reminds, and even confirms, that you are indeed more than your human self and that there is indeed a force and world beyond this experience you can see. Through channeling and offering messages from your guides, Aja helps you see that you are protected and cared for, that you have purpose, and that there is support in achieving that purpose.”

— T. B. (Screenwriter)


“I've come to appreciate her unique qualities as an exceptional being and coach. While many pretend to listen, she actually does. Our coaching sessions allowed me to access places within myself that were, quite frankly, I never knew were even there. I'm grateful for her passion in helping others and trying to understand this complex human experience. I'm a better person because of Aja and better equipped to spread light and love in this troubled world.

— T. L.


"Thank you as always Aja, for your patience and guidance! You are helping more than you know and I love that you feel free to be all shades with me. I wouldn’t have it any other way."

— P.


“I was a skeptic when it came to anything therapy related. I saw it as a sign of weakness to source help and held some fear over whether I would psycho-analysed to death. Aja’s coaching was different. Aja helped me to get to the point where I could change certain things that were not the best fit for my life- related to lifestyle, finances, and love. I soon found that I was able to make decisions that would more positively affect my path and in a shorter timeframe. For me it was about reaching the inevitable sooner. I needed to make decisions around how to manage the fear and pain until I had the strength to change them for the better. Now I can breathe again.”

— A. D. (Economist Marketing Executive)


“Thank you for being of service, you truly are a gifted leader: a pillar of light in our community. For being You, even in this world to whom which most choose to live in illusion. I will remember this time as a reflection of a future so bright and abundant, filled with opportunities/portals to greatness. And that future is NOW. One session in your beautiful space, with you and our Spirit Guides, has served as a catalyst for the next big leap in my life. In an ever expanding reality of living in an existence of creativity, compassion and love. I will definitely give due credit to you when people ask what inspired and gave me the courage; to focus on my craft to move to Joshua Tree to allow myself to be the successful writer and healer that I already am, to connect with the love of my life on a piece of ancient earth blessed by the All Mighty Source in which we are born. Thank you from all of my heart Dear One. Eternal Light,”

— P.


"Thank you so much - this came at the perfect time to remind me of these words! I have been trying to live by them and it has helped me so much."

— K.


"Working with Aja has been a life changing experience. I've worked with a few different life coaches and none of them were able to provide the insight, expertise and high level of coaching that Aja provides. She is genuine, thoughtful and truly gives the time and attention needed to help clients find happiness & achieve goals. I've grown so much throughout the process and I look forward to continuing my journey working with Aja."

— R. C. (Founder of Envision Today)


“Aja, I hope this find your well. Thank you for all of these messages, opening yourself up to each of our individual stories, traumas and spirits, and for all of the hours and energy you’ve put into bringing your work forward.”

— R.


"It’s been a while. Nova is born. He is such a smiley and lovely wise being. Your session was so so wonderful and helpful before birth and to take all the guidance with me for the period after birth. Thank you so much again. I stayed connected to myself and embraced the moments of change. There were times which were very difficult to handle and go through, but I stayed in the moment and put one step in front of the other."

— S.


"I stumbled upon this old video tonight. I’ve been looking through all the work that I’ve done. And I didn’t expect to find this and be really hit by it. I didn’t expect to slow this down and look at all of the pain and fear and release in my face. Frame by frame, I can finally understand all those emotions that were lying right there. After this shot I bent in half and heaved. And sobbed. And I really just released pain that had surrounded my heart on a constant basis for my whole life. I’ve been doing this same sort of release work for the past month or two with The Spirit Guide Coach and I had forgotten I had done it before. There’s something that is very rejuvenating about allowing your body to pour something out of you, about letting yourself crack open so that your pain can be free, or you can be free from your pain. I’m learning there’s something about being very honest and that means me admitting that I’m vulnerable and that I’ve been crying a lot lately, and not because my life is not great, it’s definitely the best it’s ever been, but because of that I nowhere allowed myself the space to grieve all the times that it was really terrible, which was a lot of times. And when it wasn’t so bad, there was the ever-present pain that haunted me from the past that I didn’t know how to free myself from. I’m finally allowing myself to do that. To grieve. To release. I think it will probably take a long time, but her eI am showing up and doing it, and it’s notes scary as I once thought it was. I’m learning that there really isn’t another option and there’s no way around it but to go through it. I’m really very happy for that. So thank you, The Spirit Guide Coach, for being the medium for the initiation of divine healing and thank you guides, messengers, angels, & loved ones"

— A. Pierce.


“Although I am in deep communion with my guides every day, after meeting Aja, I felt called to work with her to see if there was any other helpful information or affirmation that might come through. Our session was amazing! She tapped right into my guides and brought great clarity and affirmation that boosted my confidence as I walk my path. Thank you, Aja! You are amazing!”

— N.


Aja, it has been a pleasure to work with you. When I met you, I’m sure you sensed that I was skeptical, and somewhat dismissive. I was very resistant, even though this path was calling me, veryyyyy loudly. Now that I’m trusting this path, I find that all the things I’m looking for are unfolding much more easily. I’m open to living my life in a completely different way and that it doesn’t have to look like the picture I had for myself years ago.”

— G.


Today, I completed my 4-month coaching program with the beautiful Aja, The Spirit Guide Coach. When the opportunity arose, there was no hesitation, only pure excitement. That’s when you know it’s a good idea. I’m not sure where I’d be without her support, guidance, and wisdom. We all need that person that sees our highest potential and pushes us to evolve past our self-imposed blocks and limitations. Thank you, Aja!”

— A. Robles


“Dear Aja, I’m looking back and reflecting about our beautiful exchange of energies during our Triangle Sessions. You guided me and held my hand as we walked through the “dark woods” which turned into a beautiful spiritual landscape full of joy and gratitude. You helped me to reconnect and reclaim myself. Your gentle nudge helped me to look beyond and accept that it’s ok to do things for myself, take care of myself, and most importantly, embrace and love myself, Thank you for re-igniting the light within me. ‘I am whole, I am connected’”

— J.


“Thank you so much for channeling the messages and guiding me! It’s really helping me direct my energies and focus as I move forward through all this change swirling around in my life right now. I admire your strength and generosity so much and I’m grateful to have had the chance to connect with you before my move.”

— S.