Channeled Message for January: Ripple


As a new cycle begins we are given a choice. Do we decide to live? Or simply carry on as we have been - aware yet unwilling to change? You have all been through so many ups and downs, highs and lows. You have seen great sadness and despair but have also caught glimpses of hope and felt a belly full of laughter.

Each year we can decide anew what it is we wish to create and how it is we wish to love. Each day is a step up toward our truth or a step down toward the shadow we know to be false, but feel comfort in its low expectations.


January asks you to choose: Do you live? Or do you remain unwilling to change?


I encourage you all to see the wide array of possibilities before you. To grasp ahold of your higher self and say “I’m here! I want to be partners and not adversaries. I hear your call and I am ready to acknowledge your gifts and insight.”

This is never easy work. But then again, life itself is never easy. There are promises scattered across the forest floor and we may bend down to gather them toward our hearts or act as though they do not exist. As this cycle begins, which will you choose?

Loving You Always,


Monthly MessagesAja Daashuur