Channeled Message for September: Surrender, Create + Fire


A channeled message from AJA’s main guide, Monty, about the month ahead:


Many of you are focusing so much of your energy on resistance. 
Resisting the truth: that our world is under water, as many float to the surface, ready to transition. Many of you are resistant to the truth about the world in which you live. That lies and truth, death and birth, revolution and stagnancy are embroiled in a battle for the future.

Resistance to the truth means resistant to change. Some of these changes are small—can you think before speaking, listen without judging, feel empathy before anger?

There are currents of resistance that go much deeper.

They ask you to turn your entire way of thinking upside down. They ask you to admit that a piece of who you are, and have been, not only no longer fits . . . but is rotten. 

This truth, this topsy turvy world view, is too much for many of you to reconcile yourself with, and instead you turn to your dear friend, Fear. 

Fear, who stands waiting in the corner for his chance to speak, waiting for you to leave your heart on the table so that he can fill that emptiness with poison. 

What does this poison do, you ask? Why, it erodes. It erodes what is good and replaces it with anger, insecurity, distrust and anxiety. You have seen many, many people who operate from a place of fear. You know the damage they can inflict upon an individual as well as the tapestry of our existence.


Surrender, take a deep breath and focus on your own staircase and how you wish to ascend it.


So, what to do. What can you do? 

You can surrender. Surrender to the fact that you have no more control over those enthralled to their fear than you have over the sky being blue or the earth being round.

Surrender, take a deep breath and focus on your own staircase and how you wish to ascend it. This doesn't mean forgetting or turning away from those infected by the virus of fear. After all, you may be infected yourself or currently in remission. 

What I am saying, what I am trying to get across to each of you is that if you focus energy on those who have themselves surrendered to this toxin, you are participating in an impossible task—trying to pull down the stars with string. 

The energy you expel would be far better spent on your own progression and ascension. 

The more you know yourself, the more honest you become about who you are and what you are creating for the future. And this spark of truth can spread—catch like fire to those around you.

Surrender. Create. Fire. This is a cycle of renewal and self-accountability that we see moving through the underground. Slow yet unwavering, and it will roll over those who stand before it—blind to themselves and the world around them, regardless of their fists raised in defiance. Regardless of their friend Fear, who cheers them on while standing within the shadows.

Know yourself.