Channeled Cards for July: It Gets Better, Healing + Change


A channeled message from AJA’s main guide, Monty, about the month ahead:

“The eyes of the world are open. And that, in itself, is better. This means that we can truly begin the epic task of healing old wounds while stepping forth into lasting change.

Just because our eyes are open does not mean that there is no sadness, pain, confusion, or frustration. In fact, it means that there will be more of it than ever before. It is a profound experience to connect with truth.

How wonderful it is to no longer deny the obvious and sink into the realization that your generation is part of the great dismantling.


How can you provide yourself the care needed for that drum of transformation to keep beating, like one's own heartbeat?


How are you feeling? In what ways are you supporting yourself so that this tidal wave does not lose its way? How can you provide yourself the care needed for that drum of transformation to keep beating, like one's own heartbeat?

Stop. Ask yourself these questions seriously and write down your answers. We cannot gloss over what is needed from ourselves any longer. This awakening has been a long time coming, and one must know how to feed the soul in order for this important work to have an effect on the future of our world.”

With love,