October's Cosmic Forecast: Finding Presence


Libra Season

With the passing of the fall equinox, we are welcomed into the gentle and comforting energy of autumn. The month of October brings in balance, rest, and the slow down of transition as we prepare to close out the year. October is presented by the number 10, the numerology of success, abundance, prosperity, and harvest. This month we are called to embrace abundance and embody gratitude as we reap the blessings of what we have created this year. This is a good time to celebrate yourself and those who have supported you! Libra season is a time of harmony and karmic clearing. This cardinal sign strives for balance in every aspect of life. Libra roots for the underdog, wanting everyone to have fair representation. The scales are symbolic of Libra due to them being able to see both sides of an issue with neutrality. Ruled by Venus, our planet of love and beauty, this sign loves romance and an aesthetically pleasing lifestyle! This time period is a reminder to indulge in yourself and your worthiness of the best in life. Celebrating yourself should be a daily practice! Libra reminds us that life is meant to be enjoyed, not simply experienced.

Libra season pop culture: Cardi B is one of the most famous hip hop artists of our current times. Her lyrics are explicit and as aggressive as any of her male counterparts. But this queen of hip hop plays with her Libra duality through her sensuality and beauty forward looks and styling. This NY native is a fierce advocate for social justice, often seen headlining political public talks and campaigns. We can learn from this multifaceted celebrity that it’s possible to be both beautiful and intellectual, embodying our feminine and masculine with ease and grace.

Mercury Direct in Virgo October 2nd

On October 2nd Mercury, our planet of communication will station direct in Virgo! This can bring a sense of relief and ease after three weeks of mishaps and miscommunications. There can be a sense of order finally restored to our daily routines and practices. Now is a good time to reassess the details that may have fallen to the wayside during Mercury retrograde. We can have a clearer understanding of how to proceed forward. Mercury in Virgo is clear and direct with communication, cutting to the chase and heart of the matter. With this transit, the more direct you are with what you want the better! Take the lessons you learned from this past retrograde to apply to your actions moving forward. 

Mercury direct in Virgo pop culture: Kim Cattrall stepped away from the Sex and the City franchise that made her a household name. When questioned about her reasoning, this Mercury in Virgo celeb spoke directly about her issues with costars and the unfair demands placed upon her. The directness of her message was attacked by some, but respected by others! At the end of the day, this actress stood in her power and did not fold on what makes her happy. This Mercury in Virgo direct transit is all about holding your ground and speaking your truth openly!

  • Mercury in Virgo reflection: What lessons did I learn from this Mercury Retrograde? Where do I need to apply more truth to my communications?

October 8th, Pluto Direct in Capricorn

On October 8th, Pluto will station direct in the traditionalist earth sign, Capricorn. We can begin to truly see the shadows and growth needed within our power and political structures with this transit. We are being called to transform our social structures as a collective. It can be hard with transit to understand opposing point of views or to practice patience with others. Pluto is a planet that shifts collective perspectives, not just personal transformation. It’s important to remember that the goal is to transform society as a whole in a way that benefits all of us. Release the news for control, and allow things to shift around you as needed!

Pluto in Capricorn pop culture: Lord of the Rings is the famous story of a battle against good and evil and abuse of power. Frodo and his group of friends are on an intense journey to restore peace order to Middle Earth. For Pluto Direct, it’s a good time to reflect on how your personal mission is in alignment with the state of the collective. How do your foundations build towards a long term goal? Thinking about our relationship with power and our shadows is important during this transit.

  • Pluto in Capricorn reflection: Do I feel comfortable with positions of power? What can I do to learn more about my shadows rather than judge myself?

October 9th, Full Moon in Aries 

On October 9th, the full moon will enter firey and brave Aries! When the moon enters this cardinal fire sign, we can feel restless and impulsive. During this transit, it’s good to reassess our connection to our primal desires and our physical practices. How can you create better routines that can connect you back to your body and physicality? A change of diet or exercise may be needed. It's a good time to connect to emotions such as anger and reflect on the pain it stems from in order to release it. Arguments may ensue during this transit, but it’s good to remember there’s no opposing forces. Work towards collective understanding rather than battling unnecessarily. Advocating for yourself is important, but don’t create damage to get your way! 

Full Moon in Aries pop culture: Cody Rigsny shot to stardom with his famous Peleton pandemic workout routines, his warm and energetic support, and motivational speeches. This energy can be embodied for this full Moon by remembering your authenticity and creating physical, supportive routines. Give yourself as much motivation as Rigsby would during one of his classes! During this full moon, release your passions through activities that give you enjoyment. The more you pursue what you love and release the rest, the better you will feel during this phase!

  • Full Moon in Aries reflection: How do I need to make better physical routines for myself? Where does my anger live within my body and what does it stem from? 


October is a month of slowing down and assessing for balance in our lives. October reminds us that we have much to be grateful for currently in our present.


October 10th, Mercury enters Libra

On October 10th, Mercury will enter balanced and harmonious oriented Libra. Mercury in Libra is more conscientious of others' needs and desires. It’s a good time to weigh the options in front of you when it comes to your ideas and pursuits. Reflect on how your decisions impact everyone around you. How can you better advocate for those who need your support? This is an excellent transit to assess where you need more balance in your daily life, communications, and routines. Act from a place of diplomacy, not debate!

Mercury enters Libra pop culture: Gwenyth Paltrow moved from Oscar winning actress to lifestyle platform owner in a graceful career pivot that embodies graceful Libra energy. This Mercury in Libra icon’s connection to the arts as well as luxury lifestyling is what allows her continued success in multiple industries. Try to prioritize creating a balance for all your interests with this transit.

  • Mercury in Libra reflection: How can I apply more diplomacy into my day to day interactions? How do I create more balance for all my varied interests?

October 23rd, Saturn direct in Aquarius 

On October 23rd, Saturn will station direct in Aquarius! Aquarius is connected to our social connections, humanitarianism, and friendships. Saturn is our planet of traditions, foundations, and legacy. We can feel more at ease when Saturn moves out of retrograde when it comes to aspects of long term building and who we surround ourselves with. There’s also a need to question our systems and advocate for the betterment of all with this Aquarius transit. You can feel called to get involved with more political and community work. Be passionate in advocating for those around you and challenging the systems that cause collective harm.

Saturn direct in Aquarius pop culture: Trevor Noah is known for his comedic and thoughtful commentary on today’s politics. Calling out the hypocrisy of governmental systems will become a common practice for us as Saturn moves direct. Challenge the policies and practices that you do not agree with! It’s prime time to create important reform in our communities.

  • Saturn direct in Aquarius reflection: How does my personal purpose support the collective? How do my politics uplift those less fortunate than me?

October 23rd, Sun enters Scorpio

On October 23rd, our Sun enters the fixed water sign Scorpio. Our energy will shift from the outward collective interest to our subconscious and shadow work. This period is for us to reflect on how our shadows affect our actions and thought processes. Being honest with yourself is important for your personal growth. We can feel deep transformation occurring within us as we unpack our emotions and hidden feelings. Scorpio energy is not afraid to face the darkness for the sake of growth. Know that anything you are overcoming in this current moment will be worth every blessing on your way!

Sun in Scorpio pop culture: R&B artist Drake is one of the most popular celebrities currently. Known for his emotional lyrics, this rapper is not afraid to put his heart on his sleeve. Allow your heavier emotions to be catalysts for your creativity. The more you tap into the energy, the more healing you can provide in your life.

  • Sun in Scorpio reflection: What deeper emotions have you been suppressing? How would you like to grow in the different areas of your life?

October 23rd Juno Direct in Pisces 

On October 23rd, our asteroid Juno will enter spiritual and dreamy Pisces. This asteroid oversees our long term relationships and desires for fulfilling connections. When we’re experiencing a Juno in Pisces transit, spiritual connection will be prioritized above all in relationships. We will want to develop a deeper relation to others through our creativity. Your religious and spiritual practice may grow during this time period. It's time to think about what you desire when in regards to partnership. Deeper soul connections can be created during this time period with intentionality. Dig deep with partners in order to create more substantial and fulfilling relationships.

Juno direct in Pisces pop culture: The Princess Bride tells the classic story of a pirate on an adventure to be reunited with his true love. Despite many obstacles and hurdles, Westley uses his love as the driving force through this fantasy romance! With Juno in Pisces, believe that your partnerships can be as grand as the greatest fairytale. Romance, fantasy, and reality can coexist!

  • Juno in Pisces reflection: How can I bring more romance and fantasy into my partnerships? How does my spiritual practice influence my love life? 

October 25th New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse

On October 25th, our moon will enter deep feeling water sign Scorpio! Scorpio moon transits are notoriously emotional and can bring suppressed emotions to the surface. Prioritize reflection, journaling, and lots of spiritual self care during this moon phase. Spend time with yourself and don’t judge any uncomfortable feelings that may arise. Patience with others and yourself is crucial as not to inflict unnecessary emotional harm. Solar Eclipse energy can be chaotic, so be easy with manifestation and spell work! Shadow work is only effective when balanced with care and comparison. Remember that what you’re releasing during this time is for greater long term growth!

New Moon in Scorpio pop culture: Star Wars character Anakin Skywalker is the epitome of Scorpio moon energy. His search for power leads to him crossing over to the dark side. This moon, don’t allow the shadow to fully consume your emotions. Get to know your darker side as a space for growth, curiosity, and compassion!

  • How can my shadow help me with learning more about myself? What parts of me are being asked to heal?

October 28th, Jupiter Retrograde enters Pisces 

On October 28th, our planet of abundance, good fortune, and luck will retrograde into Pisces. It’s important for us to trust our intuition more than ever during this transit. A Jupiter retrograde can cause uncertainty in decision making and downloads. If you feel like you need to adjust your spiritual practice now is the time to reflect on how you would like to make changes. Your faith can be questioned but remain grounded in your spiritual knowing and connection. Dream work and astral travel can be prevalent during this time. Connect into those practices in order to get clear answers and downloads during this confusing time period.

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces pop culture: In the Netflix thriller, Behind Her Eyes, a woman experiences astral projection and body snatching when she falls for her boss and encounters his obsessive wife. By the end of the series, the audience isn’t sure who is who, just like the foggy experience of a Jupiter retrograde. It is important to stay grounded during this transit by connecting back to the earth and water elements. Take what others say with a grain of salt, as not everything is as it appears!

  • In what ways can I grow my spiritual practice during this Jupiter Retrograde? Write about a time that your intuition did not lead you astray in a confusing situation.

October 29th Mercury enters Scorpio 

On October 29th, our planet of communication enters fixed water sign Scorpio! Scorpio Mercury is cryptic, secretive, and usually looking for a deeper meaning in conversation. We can feel like we are skeptical or hesitant when it comes to communication with others. It's important not to fall into a place of paranoia with a Mercury in Scorpio transit. Keep yourself in a positive frame of mind and don’t expect the worst to occur. You may have a lot of deep and psychological conversations with yourself that can pull up a lot of shadow work. Use everything that arises as fuel

to heal and better yourself and your present situation. Let things be revealed to you in time, and process the facts before taking action. This is the Scorpio way!

Mercury enters Scorpio pop culture: The Mercury in Scorpio energy is very similar to a long running season of NBC’s hit show Law and Order. There can be unsuspecting twists and turns that make you feel as if you don’t know which way to look or search. Put on your investigative glasses to see the truth beyond what others are telling you. There’s always more than what meets the eye with a Scorpio Mercury transit!

  • What are my gut instincts trying to communicate with me? How can I focus on the positive versus expecting the worse?

October 30th Mars Retrograde in Gemini

On October 30th, our planet of action and primal instincts will retrograde in mutable air sign Gemini. A Mars Retrograde can bring uncertainty into how we take action and present ourselves. In Gemini, it can feel like we are compelled to bite our tongue or double back on things we previously stated. Gossip can run rampant and it’s best not to engage in anything that isn’t rooted in truth. It can also feel as if our creative ventures reach a stalemate during this time. Take a step back and reassess why certain projects are not working for you at this time. Maybe it’s time for a different approach that will come with space and distance. This is not the time to rush anything new, but allow current projects to unfold how they’re meant to!

Mars Retrograde in Gemini pop culture: The Social Network tells the story of the invention of social media platforms and how greed can quickly turn co creators against one another. Gemini can be fiercely intelligent and creative energy but can turn malice when used for manipulation. Take your time with projects and creative endeavors. Be careful of how you use your words as you won’t want to regret anything you’ve said once Mars goes direct.

  • How do my creative endeavors want to be reassessed? In what ways can I challenge myself to think outside of the box?

October is a month of slowing down and assessing for balance in our lives. October reminds us that we have much to be grateful for currently in our present. Libra  Season teaches us that connections, relationships, and love bring in a different type of abundance. Material wealth is nothing when not surrounded by loved ones and family. Autumn teaches us that showing down is not a bad thing for our spirit! It's important to rest to prepare for the new season ahead of us. Prepare for a bountiful harvest and appreciate the journey of how far you have come!

OCTOBER Horoscopes

Want to read about how this month’s astrology will impact your sign? Join The Source to receive access to Ellen’s monthly horoscopes!



Ellen Bowles

Ellen Bowles is a healer, astrologer, Tarot reader and co-host of the Woke Mystic Podcast. As community healing is one of her passions, Ellen hosts virtual workshops on Tarot, astrology, full moons and ancestral healing on a regular basis.

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Monthly MessagesAja Daashuur