Channeled Message for September: Constellation


To those of you who felt called to read these words, we are honored to be part of your internal conversation. There is so much boiling over in the hearts and minds of the world.

So much that still remains to be discovered and uncovered, yet while the pieces on the board begin to shake and make their move we ask of you in this moment:

What have you been a witness to out in the world that is also reflected within yourself?

How have the revelations of the way the world works affected you on a personal level?

What has changed and where will these changes take you?


September asks you to surrender to your truth, believe in your own trajectory and trust that you know the way forward.


This is a time to begin to lay things out before you, to see the pattern made manifest before you yes and take note of what is taking shape.

You have always had a deeper understanding of the world, but that understanding should inspire you to make changes, to speak out, to remain steadfast in your beliefs and in your admiration for the world as a whole.

Yes - there is still much to admire in the world, much to learn, and even more to protect.

What have you been stringing together, like a strand of shells upon a necklace to wear against your skin? We are stepping into a new season and this season has questions for us, ideas for us, guidance for us- but it does not work well alone. Instead, it asks for partnership - for you to bring your own sense of understanding from past seasons with you.

September asks you to surrender to your truth, believe in your own trajectory and trust that you know the way forward.
